Saturday, January 22, 2011

wallpaper Day 22

In honor of the KU Jay Hawks that will have 70 consecutive wins and be 19-0 in the Big XII after beating Texas today at 3 PM, OOPS, KU played about 15 Minutes of Exccellent Ball and Texas played about 25 Minutes worth. Final Texas 74 KU 63. I write to give you the advice that games are just games. When you get so involved that you can't enjoy the performance of your team for fear of losing, you need to lighten up. There are many fine coaches out there in the BIG XII that will coach a game today. There are many fine facilities that will host a game today. there are a lot of fans out there that will watch a game today. At the end, some teams will lose and some will win.

To men, this is like an analogy for life. We grow up competing for the win and guess what? Sometimes we lose. Does that mean that we stop trying? Nah, there is always another game to play, watch, follow. For those of you that are younger, play hard because there will come a time where you spend more time on the bench and watching games on TV than playing. If you make it your attitude that games happen and you will play on, chances are that you will play a lot longer and enjoy the ride better.

If you follow professional sports, I feel sorry for you. To get worked up over a bunch of people that are way overpaid to play games, you need a better way to channel your activities. My hero's are the Firemen, Policemen, Teachers and Military folks that put it on the line for enough to live on and a little for retirement. They are the people that compete with real events in tough jobs.



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